Wandering Massive Black Holes or Analogs of the First Repeating Fast Radio Burst?

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The discovery of a persistent radio source coincident with the first repeating fast radio burst, FRB 121102, and offset from the center of its dwarf host galaxy has been used as evidence for a link with young millisecond magnetars born in superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) or long-duration gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs). A prediction of this scenario is that compact radio sources offset from the centers of dwarf galaxies may serve as signposts for at least some FRBs. Recently, Reines et al. 2019 presented the discovery of 20 such radio sources in nearby ($zlesssim 0.055$) dwarf galaxies, and argued that these cannot be explained by emission from HII regions, normal supernova remnants, or normal radio supernovae. Instead, they attribute the emission to accreting wandering massive black holes. Here, we explore the alternative possibility that these sources are analogs of FRB 121102. We compare their properties -- radio luminosities, spectral energy distributions, light curves, ratios of radio-to-optical flux, and spatial offsets -- to FRB 121102, a few other well-localized FRBs, and potentially related systems, and find that these are all consistent as arising from the same population. We further compare their properties to the magnetar nebula model used to explain FRB 121102, as well as to theoretical off-axis LGRB light curves, and find overall consistency. Finally, we find a consistent occurrence rate relative to repeating FRBs and LGRBs. We outline key follow-up observations to further test these possible connections.

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