Warm dark energy

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Motivated by some of the recent swampland conjectures, we study the implementation for the late time acceleration of the Universe of a mechanism developed by Anber and Sorbo in the context of primordial inflation, in which an axion field can slowly roll in a steep potential due to additional friction provided by its coupling to some U(1) gauge field. We first study the realization of this mechanism in N = 2 supergravity models resulting from string compactifications on Calabi--Yau manifolds. We then study the transition between matter domination and the axion domination, and show that indeed the backreaction of the produced gauge field can sufficiently slow the motion of the axion, so to produce the present accelerated era. We finally study the transition from a pre-inflationary matter or radiation domination to primordial inflation. In the regime that we could explore numerically, the evolution is characterized by stages of faster axion roll (and consequent bursts of gauge field amplification) intermitted by stages of slower roll, with a pattern that oscillates about the steady state Anber and Sorbo solution, but that does not appear to relax to it.

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