H-COUP Version 2: a program for one-loop corrected Higgs boson decays in non-minimal Higgs sectors

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the concept of H-COUP_ver 2, which evaluates the decay rates (including higher order corrections) for the Higgs boson with a mass of 125 GeV in various extended Higgs models. In the previous version (H-COUP_1.0), only a full set of the Higgs boson vertices are evaluated at one-loop level in a gauge invariant manner in these models. H-COUP_ver 2 contains all the functions of H-COUP_1.0. After shortly introducing these extended Higgs models and discussing their theoretical and experimental constraints, we summarize formulae for the renormalized vertices and the decay rates. We then explain how to install and run H-COUP_ver 2 with some numerical examples.

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