Comparison of deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to deuterium plasma and gas

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Deuterium(D) retention behavior in tungsten(W) exposed to deuterium plasma and gas was studied by means of thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS): deuterium plasma exposure in which W was exposed to D plamsa with 35 eV/D at 393 K to the fluence of 3.8E24 D/m2; D2 gas charging in which W was exposed to D2 gas of 500 kPa at 773 K for 4 hours. TDS shows that the total D retention in plasma exposure W is 1.00E22 D/m2, one order of magnitude higher than that of gas charging W; however, the D2 desorption peak of gas charging W is 952 K, much higher than 691 K of plasma exposure W. The detrapping energies of deuterium were determined experimentally from the measured peak temperatures at different heating rates and were found to be 2.17 eV for gas charging W and 1.04 eV for plasma exposure W, respectively.

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