Crowd Counting on Images with Scale Variation and Isolated Clusters

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Crowd counting is to estimate the number of objects (e.g., people or vehicles) in an image of unconstrained congested scenes. Designing a general crowd counting algorithm applicable to a wide range of crowd images is challenging, mainly due to the possibly large variation in object scales and the presence of many isolated small clusters. Previous approaches based on convolution operations with multi-branch architecture are effective for only some narrow bands of scales and have not captured the long-range contextual relationship due to isolated clustering. To address that, we propose SACANet, a novel scale-adaptive long-range context-aware network for crowd counting. SACANet consists of three major modules: the pyramid contextual module which extracts long-range contextual information and enlarges the receptive field, a scale-adaptive self-attention multi-branch module to attain high scale sensitivity and detection accuracy of isolated clusters, and a hierarchical fusion module to fuse multi-level self-attention features. With group normalization, SACANet achieves better optimality in the training process. We have conducted extensive experiments using the VisDrone2019 People dataset, the VisDrone2019 Vehicle dataset, and some other challenging benchmarks. As compared with the state-of-the-art methods, SACANet is shown to be effective, especially for extremely crowded conditions with diverse scales and scattered clusters, and achieves much lower MAE as compared with baselines.

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