Pronounced 2/3 magnetization plateau in a frustrated $S$ = 1 isolated spin-triangle compound: Interplay between Heisenberg and biquadratic exchange interactions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report the synthesis and characterization of a new quantum magnet [2-[Bis(2-hydroxybenzyl)aminomethyl]pyridine]Ni(II)-trimer (BHAP-Ni3) in single-crystalline form. Our combined experimental and theoretical investigations reveal an exotic spin state that stabilizes a robust 2/3 magnetization plateau between 7 and 20 T in an external magnetic field. AC-susceptibility measurements show the absence of any magnetic order/glassy state down to 60 mK. The magnetic ground state is disordered and specific-heat measurements reveal the gapped nature of the spin excitations. Most interestingly, our theoretical modeling suggests that the 2/3 magnetization plateau emerges due to the interplay between antiferromagnetic Heisenberg and biquadratic exchange interactions within nearly isolated spin $S$ = 1 triangles.

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