Harmonic conjugates on Bergman spaces induced by doubling weights

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A radial weight $omega$ belongs to the class $widehat{mathcal{D}}$ if there exists $C=C(omega)ge 1$ such that $int_r^1 omega(s),dsle Cint_{frac{1+r}{2}}^1omega(s),ds$ for all $0le r<1$. Write $omegaincheck{mathcal{D}}$ if there exist constants $K=K(omega)>1$ and $C=C(omega)>1$ such that $widehat{omega}(r)ge Cwidehat{omega}left(1-frac{1-r}{K}right)$ for all $0le r<1$. In a recent paper, we have recently prove that these classes of radial weights arise naturally in the operator theory of Bergman spaces induced by radial weights. Classical results by Hardy and Littlewood, and Shields and Williams, show that the weighted Bergman space of harmonic functions is not closed by harmonic conjugation if $omegainwidehat{mathcal{D}}setminus check{mathcal{D}}$ and $0<ple 1$. In this paper we establish sharp estimates for the norm of the analytic Bergman space $A^p_omega$, with $omegainwidehat{mathcal{D}}setminus check{mathcal{D}}$ and $0<p<infty$, in terms of quantities depending on the real part of the function. It is also shown that these quantities result equivalent norms for certain classes of radial weights.

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