Heavy-ball Algorithms Always Escape Saddle Points

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Nonconvex optimization algorithms with random initialization have attracted increasing attention recently. It has been showed that many first-order methods always avoid saddle points with random starting points. In this paper, we answer a question: can the nonconvex heavy-ball algorithms with random initialization avoid saddle points? The answer is yes! Direct using the existing proof technique for the heavy-ball algorithms is hard due to that each iteration of the heavy-ball algorithm consists of current and last points. It is impossible to formulate the algorithms as iteration like xk+1= g(xk) under some mapping g. To this end, we design a new mapping on a new space. With some transfers, the heavy-ball algorithm can be interpreted as iterations after this mapping. Theoretically, we prove that heavy-ball gradient descent enjoys larger stepsize than the gradient descent to escape saddle points to escape the saddle point. And the heavy-ball proximal point algorithm is also considered; we also proved that the algorithm can always escape the saddle point.

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