Nonlocality Distillation and Quantum Voids

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Via nonlocality distillation, a number of copies of a given nonlocal correlation can be turned into a new correlation displaying a higher degree of nonlocality. Apart from its clear relevance in situations where nonlocality is a resource, distillation protocols also play an important role in the understanding of information-theoretical principles for quantum theory. Here, we derive a necessary condition for nonlocality distillation from two copies and apply it, among other results, to show that $1$D and $2$D quantum voids --faces of the nonlocal simplex set with no quantum realization-- can be distilled up to PR-boxes. With that, we generalize previous results in the literature. For instance, showing a broad class of post-quantum correlations that make communication complexity trivial and violate the information causality principle.

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