We introduce a scenario for CP-violating (CPV) dark photon interactions in the context of non-abelian kinetic mixing. Assuming an effective field theory that extends the Standard Model (SM) field content with an additional $U(1)$ gauge boson ($X$) and a $SU(2)_L$ triplet scalar, we show that there exist both CP-conserving and CPV dimension five operators involving these new degrees of freedom and the SM $SU(2)_L$ gauge bosons. The former yields kinetic mixing between the $X$ and the neutral $SU(2)_L$ gauge boson (yielding the dark photon), while the latter induces CPV interactions of the dark photon with the SM particles. We discuss experimental probes of these interactions using searches for permanent electric dipole moments (EDMs) and di-jet correlations in high-energy $pp$ collisions. It is found that the experimental limit on the electron EDM currently gives the strongest restriction on the CPV interaction. In principle, high energy $pp$ collisions provide a complementary probe through azimuthal angular correlations of the two forward tagging jets in vector boson fusion. In practice, observation of the associated CPV asymmetry is likely to be challenging.
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