ROSETTA/OSIRIS observations of the 67P nucleus during the April 2016 flyby: high-resolution spectrophotometry

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In April 2016, the Rosetta spacecraft performed a low-altitude low-phase-angle flyby over the Imhotep-Khepry transition of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenkos nucleus. The OSIRIS/Narrow-Angle-Camera (NAC) acquired 112 images with mainly 3 broadband filters in the visible at a resolution of up to 0.53 m/px and for phase angles between 0.095{deg} and 62{deg}. Using those images, we have investigated the morphological and spectrophotometrical properties of this area. We assembled the images into coregistered color cubes. Using a 3D shape model, we produced the illumination conditions and georeference for each image. We projected the observations on a map to investigate its geomorphology. Observations were photometrically corrected using the Lommel-Seeliger disk law. Spectrophotometric analyses were performed on the coregistered color cubes. These data were used to estimate the local phase reddening. This region of the nucleus hosts numerous and varied types of terrains and features. We observe an association between a features nature, its reflectance, and its spectral slope. Fine material deposits exhibit an average reflectance and spectral slope, while terrains with diamictons, consolidated material, degraded outcrops, or features such as somber boulders, present a lower-than-average reflectance and higher-than-average spectral slope. Bright surfaces present here a spectral behavior consistent with terrains enriched in water-ice. We find a phase-reddening slope of 0.064{pm}0.001{%}/100nm/{deg} at 2.7 au outbound, similarly to the one obtained at 2.3 au inbound during the February 2015 flyby. Identified as the source region of multiple jets and a host of water-ice material, the Imhotep-Khepry transition appeared in April 2016, close to the frost line, to further harbor several potential locations with exposed water-ice material among its numerous different morphological terrain units.

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