All Electrical Access to Topological Transport Features in Mn$_{1.8}$PtSn Films

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The presence of non-trivial magnetic topology can give rise to non-vanishing scalar spin chirality and consequently a topological Hall or Nernst effect. In turn, topological transport signals can serve as indicators for topological spin structures. This is particularly important in thin films or nanopatterned materials where the spin structure is not readily accessible. Conventionally, the topological response is determined by combining magnetotransport data with an independent magnetometry experiment. This approach is prone to introduce measurement artifacts. In this study, we report the observation of large topological Hall and Nernst effects in micropatterned thin films of Mn$_{1.8}$PtSn below the spin reorientation temperature $T_mathrm{SR} approx 190$K. The magnitude of the topological Hall effect $rho_mathrm{xy}^mathrm{T} = 8$ n$Omega$m is close to the value reported in bulk Mn$_2$PtSn, and the topological Nernst effect $S_mathrm{xy}^mathrm{T} = 115$ nV K$^{-1}$ measured in the same microstructure has a similar magnitude as reported for bulk MnGe ($S_mathrm{xy}^mathrm{T} sim 150$ nV K$^{-1}$), the only other material where a topological Nernst was reported. We use our data as a model system to introduce a topological quantity, which allows to detect the presence of topological transport effects without the need for independent magnetometry data. Our approach thus enables the study of topological transport also in nano-patterned materials without detrimental magnetization related limitations.

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