Towards a fundamental safe theory of composite Higgs and Dark Matter

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present a novel paradigm that allows to define a composite theory at the electroweak scale that is well defined all the way up to any energy by means of safety in the UV. The theory flows from a complete UV fixed point to an IR fixed point for the strong dynamics (which gives the desired walking) before generating a mass gap at the TeV scale. We discuss two models featuring a composite Higgs, Dark Matter and partial compositeness for all SM fermions. The UV theories can also be embedded in a Pati-Salam partial unification, thus removing the instability generated by the $mbox{U}(1)$ running. Finally, we find a Dark Matter candidate still allowed at masses of $260$ GeV, or $1.5 sim 2$ TeV, where the latter mass range will be covered by next generation direct detection experiments.

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