Scaling-Up In-Memory Datalog Processing: Observations and Techniques

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recursive query processing has experienced a recent resurgence, as a result of its use in many modern application domains, including data integration, graph analytics, security, program analysis, networking and decision making. Due to the large volumes of data being processed, several research efforts, across multiple communities, have explored how to scale up recursive queries, typically expressed in Datalog. Our experience with these tools indicated that their performance does not translate across domains (e.g., a tool design for large-scale graph analytics does not exhibit the same performance on program-analysis tasks, and vice versa). As a result, we designed and implemented a general-purpose Datalog engine, called RecStep, on top of a parallel single-node relational system. In this paper, we outline the different techniques we use in RecStep, and the contribution of each technique to overall performance. We also present results from a detailed set of experiments comparing RecStep with a number of other Datalog systems using both graph analytics and program-analysis tasks, summarizing pros and cons of existing techniques based on the analysis of our observations. We show that RecStep generally outperforms the state-of-the-art parallel Datalog engines on complex and large-scale Datalog program evaluation, by a 4-6X margin. An additional insight from our work is that we show that it is possible to build a high-performance Datalog system on top of a relational engine, an idea that has been dismissed in past work in this area.

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