Schur-Weyl duality for certain infinite dimensional $rm{U}_q(mathfrak{sl}_2)$-modules

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $V$ be the two-dimensional simple module and $M$ be a projective Verma module for the quantum group of $mathfrak{sl}_2$ at generic $q$. We show that for any $rge 1$, the endomorphism algebra of $Motimes V^{otimes r}$ is isomorphic to the type $B$ Temperley-Lieb algebra $rm{TLB}_r(q, Q)$ for an appropriate parameter $Q$ depending on $M$. The parameter $Q$ is determined explicitly. We also use the cellular structure to determine precisely for which values of $r$ the endomorphism algebra is semisimple. A key element of our method is to identify the algebras $rm{TLB}_r(q,Q)$ as the endomorphism algebras of the objects in a quotient category of the category of coloured ribbon graphs of Freyd-Yetter or the tangle diagrams of Turaev and Reshitikhin.

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