Logarithmic coefficients problems in families related to starlike and convex functions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $es$ be the family of analytic and univalent functions $f$ in the unit disk $D$ with the normalization $f(0)=f(0)-1=0$, and let $gamma_n(f)=gamma_n$ denote the logarithmic coefficients of $fin {es}$. In this paper, we study bounds for the logarithmic coefficients for certain subfamilies of univalent functions. Also, we consider the families $F(c)$ and $G(delta)$ of functions $fin {es}$ defined by $$ {rm Re} left ( 1+frac{zf(z)}{f(z)}right )>1-frac{c}{2}, mbox{ and } , {rm Re} left ( 1+frac{zf(z)}{f(z)}right )<1+frac{delta}{2},quad zin D $$ for some $cin(0,3]$ and $deltain (0,1]$, respectively. We obtain the sharp upper bound for $|gamma_n|$ when $n=1,2,3$ and $f$ belongs to the classes $F(c)$ and $G(delta)$, respectively. The paper concludes with the following two conjectures: begin{itemize} item If $finF (-1/2)$, then $ displaystyle |gamma_n|le frac{1}{n}left(1-frac{1}{2^{n+1}}right)$ for $nge 1$, and $$ sum_{n=1}^{infty}|gamma_{n}|^{2} leq frac{pi^2}{6}+frac{1}{4} ~{rm Li,}_{2}left(frac{1}{4}right) -{rm Li,}_{2}left(frac{1}{2}right), $$ where ${rm Li}_2(x)$ denotes the dilogarithm function. item If $fin G(delta)$, then $ displaystyle |gamma_n|,leq ,frac{delta}{2n(n+1)}$ for $nge 1$. end{itemize}

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