Nonlinear dynamics of Aharonov-Bohm cages

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The interplay of $pi$-flux and lattice geometry can yield full localization of quantum dynamics in lattice systems, a striking interference phenomenon known as Aharonov-Bohm caging. At the level of the single-particle energy spectrum, this full-localization effect is attributed to the collapse of Bloch bands into a set of perfectly flat (dispersionless) bands. In such lattice models, the effects of inter-particle interactions generally lead to a breaking of the cages, and hence, to the spreading of the wavefunction over the lattice. Motivated by recent experimental realizations of analog Aharonov-Bohm cages for light, using coupled-waveguide arrays, we hereby demonstrate that caging always occurs in the presence of local nonlinearities. As a central result, we focus on special caged solutions, which are accompanied by a breathing motion of the field intensity, that we describe in terms of an effective two-mode model reminiscent of a bosonic Josephson junction. Moreover, we explore the quantum regime using small particle ensembles, and we observe quasi-caged collapse-revival dynamics with negligible leakage. The results stemming from this work open an interesting route towards the characterization of nonlinear dynamics in interacting flat band systems.

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