Magnetic field induced phenomena in UIrGe in fields applied along b axis

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The metamagnetic transition between the antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic state in UIrGe has been studied at various temperatures by magnetization, heat capacity and magnetocaloric-effect measurements on a single crystal in static and pulsed magnetic fields applied along the orthorhombic b-axis. A first-order transition is observed at temperatures below 13 K and a second-order one at higher temperatures up to the Neel temperature (TN = 16.5 K). The first-order transition is accompanied by a dramatic increase of the Sommerfeld coefficient. Magnetization measurements extended to the paramagnetic range revealed an anomalous S-shape (inflection point at a magnetic field Hm) in magnetization isotherms at temperatures above 13 K and a temperature dependence of susceptibility with a maximum at Tmax well above TN. The lines representing the temperature-induced evolution of Hm and field-induced evolution of Tmax, respectively, are bound for the point in the magnetic phase diagram at which the order of metamagnetic transition changes. A tentative scenario explaining these anomalies by antiferromagnetic correlations or short-range order in the paramagnetic state is discussed.

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