Random band matrices in the delocalized phase, I: Quantum unique ergodicity and universality

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Consider $Ntimes N$ symmetric one-dimensional random band matrices with general distribution of the entries and band width $W geq N^{3/4+varepsilon}$ for any $varepsilon>0$. In the bulk of the spectrum and in the large $N$ limit, we obtain the following results. (i) The semicircle law holds up to the scale $N^{-1+varepsilon}$ for any $varepsilon>0$. (ii) The eigenvalues locally converge to the point process given by the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble at any fixed energy. (iii) All eigenvectors are delocalized, meaning their ${rm L}^infty$ norms are all simultaneously bounded by $N^{-frac{1}{2}+varepsilon}$ (after normalization in ${rm L}^2$) with overwhelming probability, for any $varepsilon>0$. (iv )Quantum unique ergodicity holds, in the sense that the local ${rm L}^2$ mass of eigenvectors becomes equidistributed with overwhelming probability. We extend the mean-field reduction method cite{BouErdYauYin2017}, which required $W=Omega(N)$, to the current setting $W ge N^{3/4+varepsilon}$. Two new ideas are: (1) A new estimate on the generalized resolvent of band matrices when $W geq N^{3/4+varepsilon}$. Its proof, along with an improved fluctuation average estimate, will be presented in parts 2 and 3 of this series cite {BouYanYauYin2018,YanYin2018}. (2) A strong (high probability) version of the quantum unique ergodicity property of random matrices. For its proof, we construct perfect matching observables of eigenvector overlaps and show they satisfying the eigenvector moment flow equation cite{BouYau2017} under the matrix Brownian motions.

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