Transverse Kerker Scattering for Angstrom Localization of Nanoparticles

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Angstrom precision localization of a single nanoantenna is a crucial step towards advanced nanometrology, medicine and biophysics. Here, we show that single nanoantenna displacements down to few Angstroms can be resolved with sub-Angstrom precision using an all-optical method. We utilize the tranverse Kerker scattering scheme where a carefully structured light beam excites a combination of multipolar modes inside a dielectric nanoantenna, which then upon interference, scatters directionally into the far-field. We spectrally tune our scheme such that it is most sensitive to the change in directional scattering per nanoantenna displacement. Finally, we experimentally show that antenna displacement down to 3 Angstrom is resolvable with a localization precision of 0.6 Angstrom.

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