Strong orientation dependent spin-orbit torque in antiferromagnet Mn2Au

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Antiferromagnets with zero net magnetic moment, strong anti-interference and ultrafast switching speed have potential competitiveness in high-density information storage. Body centered tetragonal antiferromagnet Mn2Au with opposite spin sub-lattices is a unique metallic material for Neel-order spin-orbit torque (SOT) switching. Here we investigate the SOT switching in quasi-epitaxial (103), (101) and (204) Mn2Au films prepared by a simple magnetron sputtering method. We demonstrate current induced antiferromagnetic moment switching in all the prepared Mn2Au films by a short current pulse at room temperature, whereas different orientated films exhibit distinguished switching characters. A direction-independent reversible switching is attained in Mn2Au (103) films due to negligible magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy, while for Mn2Au (101) and (204) films, the switching is invertible with the current applied along the in-plane easy axis and its vertical axis, but becomes attenuated seriously during initially switching circles when the current is applied along hard axis, because of the existence of magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy. Besides the fundamental significance, the strong orientation dependent SOT switching, which was not realized irrespective of ferromagnet and antiferromagnet, provides versatility for spintronics.

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