Representing smooth functions as compositions of near-identity functions with implications for deep network optimization

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We show that any smooth bi-Lipschitz $h$ can be represented exactly as a composition $h_m circ ... circ h_1$ of functions $h_1,...,h_m$ that are close to the identity in the sense that each $left(h_i-mathrm{Id}right)$ is Lipschitz, and the Lipschitz constant decreases inversely with the number $m$ of functions composed. This implies that $h$ can be represented to any accuracy by a deep residual network whose nonlinear layers compute functions with a small Lipschitz constant. Next, we consider nonlinear regression with a composition of near-identity nonlinear maps. We show that, regarding Frechet derivatives with respect to the $h_1,...,h_m$, any critical point of a quadratic criterion in this near-identity region must be a global minimizer. In contrast, if we consider derivatives with respect to parameters of a fixed-size residual network with sigmoid activation functions, we show that there are near-identity critical points that are suboptimal, even in the realizable case. Informally, this means that functional gradient methods for residual networks cannot get stuck at suboptimal critical points corresponding to near-identity layers, whereas parametric gradient methods for sigmoidal residual networks suffer from suboptimal critical points in the near-identity region.

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