On the Complexity of Pointer Arithmetic in Separation Logic (an extended version)

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate the complexity consequences of adding pointer arithmetic to separation logic. Specifically, we study extensions of the points-to fragment of symbolic-heap separation logic with various forms of Presburger arithmetic constraints. Most significantly, we find that, even in the minimal case when we allow only conjunctions of simple difference constraints (xleq x+k) where k is an integer, polynomial-time decidability is already impossible: satisfiability becomes NP-complete, while quantifier-free entailment becomes coNP-complete and quantified entailment becomes P2-complete (P2 is the second class in the polynomial-time hierarchy) In fact we prove that the upper bound is the same, P2, even for the full pointer arithmetic but with a fixed pointer offset, where we allow any Boolean combinations of the elementary formulas (x=x+k0), (xleq x+k0), and (x<x+k0), and, in addition to the points-to formulas, we allow spatial formulas of the arrays the length of which is bounded by k0 and lists which length is bounded by k0, etc, where k0 is a fixed integer. However, if we allow a significantly more expressive form of pointer arithmetic - namely arbitrary Boolean combinations of elementary formulas over arbitrary pointer sums - then the complexity increase is relatively modest for satisfiability and quantifier-free entailment: they are still NP-complete and coNP-complete respectively, and the complexity appears to increase drastically for quantified entailments.

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