A linear programming method for exponential domination

الملخص بالإنكليزية

For a graph $G,$ the set $D subseteq V(G)$ is a porous exponential dominating set if $1 le sum_{d in D} left( 2 right)^{1-dist(d,v)}$ for every $v in V(G),$ where $dist(d,v)$ denotes the length of the shortest $dv$ path. The porous exponential dominating number of $G,$ denoted $gamma_e^*(G),$ is the minimum cardinality of a porous exponential dominating set. For any graph $G,$ a technique is derived to determine a lower bound for $gamma_e^*(G).$ Specifically for a grid graph $H,$ linear programing is used to sharpen bound found through the lower bound technique. Lower and upper bounds are determined for the porous exponential domination number of the King Grid $mathcal{K_n},$ the Slant Grid $mathcal{S_n},$ and the $n$-dimensional hypercube $Q_n.$

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