Paths to Understanding Birational Rowmotion on Products of Two Chains

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Birational rowmotion is an action on the space of assignments of rational functions to the elements of a finite partially-ordered set (poset). It is lifted from the well-studied rowmotion map on order ideals (equivariantly on antichains) of a poset $P$, which when iterated on special posets, has unexpectedly nice properties in terms of periodicity, cyclic sieving, and homomesy (statistics whose averages over each orbit are constant) [AST11, BW74, CF95, Pan09, PR13, RuSh12,RuWa15+,SW12, ThWi17, Yil17. In this context, rowmotion appears to be related to Auslander-Reiten translation on certain quivers, and birational rowmotion to $Y$-systems of type $A_m times A_n$ described in Zamolodchikov periodicity. We give a formula in terms of families of non-intersecting lattice paths for iterated actions of the birational rowmotion map on a product of two chains. This allows us to give a much simpler direct proof of the key fact that the period of this map on a product of chains of lengths $r$ and $s$ is $r+s+2$ (first proved by D.~Grinberg and the second author), as well as the first proof of the birational analogue of homomesy along files for such posets.

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