Bosonic Integer Quantum Hall States without Landau Levels on Square Lattice

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study an interacting two-component hard-core bosons on square lattice for which, in the presence of staggered magnetic flux, the ground state is a bosonic integer quantum Hall (BIQH) state. Using a coupled-wire bosonization approach, we analytically show this model exhibits a BIQH state at total charge half filling associated with a symmetry-protected topological phase under $U(1)$ charge conservation. These theoretical expectations are verified, using the infinite density matrix renormalization group method, by providing numerical evidences for: (i) a quantized Hall conductance $sigma_{xy}=pm2$, and (ii) two counter-propagating gapless edge modes. Our model is a bosonic cousin of the fermionic Haldane model and serves as an additional case of analogy between bosonic and fermionic quantum Hall states.

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