Topological Supersolidity of Dipolar Fermi Gases in a Spin-Dependent Optical Lattice

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate topological supersolidity of dipolar Fermi gases in a spin-dependent 2D optical lattice. Numerical results show that the topological supersolid states can be synthesized via the combination of topological superfluid states with the stripe order, where the topological superfluid states generated with dipolar interaction possess the $Delta_{x}+iDelta_{y}$ order, and it is of D class topological classification. By adjusting the ratio between hopping amplitude $t_{x}/t_{y}$ and interaction strength $U$ with dipole orientation $phi approx frac{pi}{4}$, the system will undergo phase transitions among the $p_{x}+ip_{y}$-wave topological superfluid state, the p-wave superfluid state, and the topological supersolid state. The topological supersolid state is proved to be stable by the positive sign of the inverse compressibility. We design an experimental protocol to realize the staggered next-next-nearest-neighbour hopping via the laser assisted tunneling technique, which is the key to synthesize topological supersolid states.

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