Continuous variable qumodes as non-destructive probes of quantum systems

الملخص بالإنكليزية

With the rise of quantum technologies, it is necessary to have practical and preferably non-destructive methods to measure and read-out from such devices. A current line of research towards this has focussed on the use of ancilla systems which couple to the system under investigation, and through their interaction, enable properties of the primary system to be imprinted onto and inferred from the ancillae. We propose the use of continuous variable qumodes as ancillary probes, and show that the interaction Hamiltonian can be fully characterised and directly sampled from measurements of the qumode alone. We suggest how such probes may also be used to determine thermodynamical properties, including reconstruction of the partition function. We show that the method is robust to realistic experimental imperfections such as finite-sized measurement bins and squeezing, and discuss how such probes are already feasible with current experimental setups.

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