Modeling for Stellar Feedback in Galaxy Formation Simulations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Various heuristic approaches to model unresolved supernova (SN) feedback in galaxy formation simulations exist to reproduce the formation of spiral galaxies and the overall inefficient conversion of gas into stars. Some models, however, require resolution dependent scalings. We present a sub-resolution model representing the three major phases of supernova blast wave evolution $-$free expansion, energy conserving Sedov-Taylor, and momentum conserving snowplow$-$ with energy scalings adopted from high-resolution interstellar-medium simulations in both uniform and multiphase media. We allow for the effects of significantly enhanced SN remnant propagation in a multiphase medium with the cooling radius scaling with the hot volume fraction, $f_{mathrm{hot}}$, as $(1 - f_{mathrm{hot}})^{-4/5}$. We also include winds from young massive stars and AGB stars, Stromgren sphere gas heating by massive stars, and a gas cooling limiting mechanism driven by radiative recombination of dense HII regions. We present initial tests for isolated Milky-Way like systems simulated with the GADGET based code SPHgal with improved SPH prescription. Compared to pure thermal SN input, the model significantly suppresses star formation at early epochs, with star formation extended both in time and space in better accord with observations. Compared to models with pure thermal SN feedback, the age at which half the stellar mass is assembled increases by a factor of 2.4, and the mass loading parameter and gas outflow rate from the galactic disk increase by a factor of 2. Simulation results are converged for a two order of magnitude variation in particle mass in the range (1.3$-$130)$times 10^4$ solar masses.

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