Asymptotic expansions of solutions of fractional diffusion equations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this paper we obtain the precise description of the asymptotic behavior of the solution $u$ of $$ partial_t u+(-Delta)^{frac{theta}{2}}u=0quadmbox{in}quad{bf R}^Ntimes(0,infty), qquad u(x,0)=varphi(x)quadmbox{in}quad{bf R}^N, $$ where $0<theta<2$ and $varphiin L_K:=L^1({bf R}^N,,(1+|x|)^K,dx)$ with $Kge 0$. Furthermore, we develop the arguments in [15] and [18] and establish a method to obtain the asymptotic expansions of the solutions to a nonlinear fractional diffusion equation $$ partial_t u+(-Delta)^{frac{theta}{2}}u=|u|^{p-1}uquadmbox{in}quad{bf R}^Ntimes(0,infty), $$ where $0<theta<2$ and $p>1+theta/N$.

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