Behaviour of elements from lithium to europium in stars with and without planets

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We conducted an analysis of the distribution of elements from lithium to europium in 200 dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood ~20 pc with temperatures in the range 4800-6200 K and metallicities [Fe/H] higher than -0.5 dex. Determinations of atmospheric parameters and the chemical composition of the dwarfs were taken from our previous studies. We found that the lithium abundances in the planet-hosting solar-analog stars of our sample were lower than those in the stars without planetary systems. Our results reveal no significant differences exceeding the determination errors for the abundances of investigated elements, except for aluminium and barium, which are more and less abundant in the planet-hosting stars, respectively. We did not find confident dependences of the lithium, aluminium and barium abundances on the ages of our target stars (which is probable because of the small number of stars). Furthermore, we found no correlation between the abundance differences in [El/Fe] and the condensation temperature (Tcond) for stars in the 16 Cyg binary system, unlike the case for 51 Peg (HD 217014), for which a slight excess of volatile elements and a deficit of refractories were obtained relative to those of solar twins. We found that one of the components of 16 Cyg exhibits a slightly higher average abundance than its counterpart (<[El/H](A-B)> = 0.08+/-0.02 dex); however, no significant abundance trend versus Tcond was observed. Owing to the relatively large errors, we cannot provide further constraints for this system.

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