Transport and Optical Conductivity in the Hubbard Model: A High-Temperature Expansion Perspective

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We derive analytical expressions for the spectral moments of the dynamical response functions of the Hubbard model using the high-temperature series expansion. We consider generic dimension $d$ as well as the infinite-$d$ limit, arbitrary electron density $n$, and both finite and infinite repulsion $U$. We use moment-reconstruction methods to obtain the one-electron spectral function, the self-energy, and the optical conductivity. They are all smooth functions at high-temperature and, at large-$U$, they are featureless with characteristic widths of order the lattice hopping parameter $t$. In the infinite-$d$ limit we compare the series expansion results with accurate numerical renormalization group and interaction expansion quantum Monte-Carlo results. We find excellent agreement down to surprisingly low temperatures, throughout most of the bad-metal regime which applies for $T gtrsim (1-n)D$, the Brinkman-Rice scale. The resistivity increases linearly in $T$ at high-temperature without saturation. This results from the $1/T$ behaviour of the compressibility or kinetic energy, which play the role of the effective carrier number. In contrast, the scattering time (or diffusion constant) saturate at high-$T$. We find that $sigma(n,T) approx (1-n)sigma(n=0,T)$ to a very good approximation for all $n$, with $sigma(n=0,T)propto t/T$ at high temperatures. The saturation at small $n$ occurs due to a compensation between the density-dependence of the effective number of carriers and that of the scattering time. The $T$-dependence of the resistivity displays a knee-like feature which signals a cross-over to the intermediate-temperature regime where the diffusion constant (or scattering time) start increasing with decreasing $T$. At high-temperatures, the thermopower obeys the Heikes formula, while the Wiedemann-Franz law is violated with the Lorenz number vanishing as $1/T^2$.

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