Thermodynamic properties of black holes in de Sitter space

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the thermodynamic properties of Schwarzschild-de Sitter (SdS) black hole and Reissner-Nordstr{o}m-de Sitter (RNdS) black hole in the view of global and effective thermodynamic quantities. Making use of the effective first law of thermodynamics, we can derive the effective thermodynamic quantities of de Sitter black holes. It is found that these effective thermodynamic quantities also satisfy Smarr-like formula. Especially, the effective temperatures are nonzero in the Nariai limit, which is consistent with the idea of Bousso and Hawking. By calculating heat capacity and Gibbs free energy, we find SdS black hole is always thermodynamically stable and RNdS black hole may undergoes phase transition at some points.

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