Bipartite Correlation Clustering -- Maximizing Agreements

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In Bipartite Correlation Clustering (BCC) we are given a complete bipartite graph $G$ with `+ and `- edges, and we seek a vertex clustering that maximizes the number of agreements: the number of all `+ edges within clusters plus all `- edges cut across clusters. BCC is known to be NP-hard. We present a novel approximation algorithm for $k$-BCC, a variant of BCC with an upper bound $k$ on the number of clusters. Our algorithm outputs a $k$-clustering that provably achieves a number of agreements within a multiplicative ${(1-delta)}$-factor from the optimal, for any desired accuracy $delta$. It relies on solving a combinatorially constrained bilinear maximization on the bi-adjacency matrix of $G$. It runs in time exponential in $k$ and $delta^{-1}$, but linear in the size of the input. Further, we show that, in the (unconstrained) BCC setting, an ${(1-delta)}$-approximation can be achieved by $O(delta^{-1})$ clusters regardless of the size of the graph. In turn, our $k$-BCC algorithm implies an Efficient PTAS for the BCC objective of maximizing agreements.

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