Spatially Resolved Galactic Wind in Lensed Galaxy RCSGA 032727-132609

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We probe the spatial distribution of outflowing gas along four lines of sight separated by up to 6 kpc in a gravitationally-lensed star-forming galaxy at z=1.70. Using MgII and FeII emission and absorption as tracers, we find that the clumps of star formation are driving galactic outflows with velocities of -170 to -250 km/sec. The velocities of MgII emission are redshifted with respect to the systemic velocities of the galaxy, consistent with being back-scattered. By contrast, the FeII fluorescent emission lines are either slightly blueshifted or at the systemic velocity of the galaxy. Taken together, the velocity structure of the MgII and FeII emission is consistent with arising through scattering in galactic winds. Assuming a thin shell geometry for the out owing gas, the estimated masses carried out by these outfows are large (> 30 - 50 $rm{M_{odot} yr^{-1}}$), with mass loading factors several times the star-formation rate. Almost 20% to 50% of the blueshifted absorption probably escapes the gravitational potential of the galaxy. In this galaxy, the outflow is locally sourced, that is, the properties of the outflow in each line of sight are dominated by the properties of the nearest clump of star formation; the wind is not global to the galaxy. The mass outflow rates and the momentum flux carried out by outflows in individual star forming knots of this object are comparable to that of starburst galaxies in the local Universe.

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