CO observations and investigation of triggered star formation towards N10 infrared bubble and surroundings

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We studied the environment of the dust bubble N10 in molecular emission. Infrared bubbles, first detected by the GLIMPSE survey at 8.0 $mu$m, are ideal regions to investigate the effect of the expansion of the HII region on its surroundings eventual triggered star formation at its borders. In this work, we present a multi-wavelength study of N10. This bubble is especially interesting as infrared studies of the young stellar content suggest a scenario of ongoing star formation, possibly triggered, on the edge of the HII region. We carried out observations of $^{12}$CO(1-0) and $^{13}$CO(1-0) emission at PMO 13.7-m towards N10. We also analyzed the IR and sub-mm emission on this region and compare those different tracers to obtain a detailed view of the interaction between the expanding HII region and the molecular gas. We also estimated the parameters of the denser cold dust condensation and of the ionized gas inside the shell. Bright CO emission was detected and two molecular clumps were identified, from which we have derived physical parameters. We also estimate the parameters for the densest cold dust condensation and for the ionized gas inside the shell. The comparison between the dynamical age of this region and the fragmentation time scale favors the Radiation-Driven Implosion mechanism of star formation. N10 reveals to be specially interesting case with gas structures in a narrow frontier between HII region and surrounding molecular material, and with a range of ages of YSOs situated in region indicating triggered star formation.

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