Detailed spectral and morphological analysis of the shell type SNR RCW 86

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Aims: We aim for an understanding of the morphological and spectral properties of the supernova remnant RCW~86 and for insights into the production mechanism leading to the RCW~86 very high-energy gamma-ray emission. Methods: We analyzed High Energy Spectroscopic System data that had increased sensitivity compared to the observations presented in the RCW~86 H.E.S.S. discovery publication. Studies of the morphological correlation between the 0.5-1~keV X-ray band, the 2-5~keV X-ray band, radio, and gamma-ray emissions have been performed as well as broadband modeling of the spectral energy distribution with two different emission models. Results:We present the first conclusive evidence that the TeV gamma-ray emission region is shell-like based on our morphological studies. The comparison with 2-5~keV X-ray data reveals a correlation with the 0.4-50~TeV gamma-ray emission.The spectrum of RCW~86 is best described by a power law with an exponential cutoff at $E_{cut}=(3.5pm 1.2_{stat})$ TeV and a spectral index of $Gamma$~$1.6pm 0.2$. A static leptonic one-zone model adequately describes the measured spectral energy distribution of RCW~86, with the resultant total kinetic energy of the electrons above 1 GeV being equivalent to $sim$0.1% of the initial kinetic energy of a Type I a supernova explosion. When using a hadronic model, a magnetic field of $B$~100$mu$G is needed to represent the measured data. Although this is comparable to formerly published estimates, a standard E$^{-2}$ spectrum for the proton distribution cannot describe the gamma-ray data. Instead, a spectral index of $Gamma_p$~1.7 would be required, which implies that ~$7times 10^{49}/n_{cm^{-3}}$erg has been transferred into high-energy protons with the effective density $n_{cm^{-3}}=n/ 1$ cm^-3. This is about 10% of the kinetic energy of a typical Type Ia supernova under the assumption of a density of 1~cm^-3.

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