Where Chicagoans tweet the most: Semantic analysis of preferential return locations of Twitter users

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recent studies on human mobility show that human movements are not random and tend to be clustered. In this connection, the movements of Twitter users captured by geo-located tweets were found to follow similar patterns, where a few geographic locations dominate the tweeting activity of individual users. However, little is known about the semantics (landuse types) and temporal tweeting behavior at those frequently-visited locations. Furthermore, it is generally assumed that the top two visited locations for most of the users are home and work locales (Hypothesis A) and people tend to tweet at their top locations during a particular time of the day (Hypothesis B). In this paper, we tested these two frequently cited hypotheses by examining the tweeting patterns of more than 164,000 unique Twitter users whom were residents of the city of Chicago during 2014. We extracted landuse attributes for each geo-located tweet from the detailed inventory of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. Top-visited locations were identified by clustering semantic enriched tweets using a DBSCAN algorithm. Our results showed that although the top two locations are likely to be residential and occupational/educational, a portion of the users deviated from this case, suggesting that the first hypothesis oversimplify real-world situations. However, our observations indicated that people tweet at specific times and these temporal signatures are dependent on landuse types. We further discuss the implication of confounding variables, such as clustering algorithm parameters and relative accuracy of tweet coordinates, which are critical factors in any experimental design involving Twitter data.

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