Quantum turbulence in coflow of superfluid ${}^4$He

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study numerically nonuniform quantum turbulence of coflow in a square channel by the vortex filament model. Coflow means that superfluid velocity $bm{v}_s$ and normal fluid velocity $bm{v}_n$ flow in the same direction. Quantum turbulence for thermal counterflow has been long studied theoretically and experimentally. In recent years, experiments of coflow are performed to observe different features from thermal counterflow. By supposing that $bm{v}_s$ is uniform and $bm{v}_n$ takes the Hagen-Poiseiulle profile, our simulation finds that quantized vortices are distributed inhomogeneously. Vortices like to accumulate on the surface of a cylinder with $bm{v}_s simeq bm{v}_n$. Consequently, the vortex configuration becomes degenerate from three-dimensional to two-dimensional.

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