Kerr black hole parameters in terms of red/blue shifts of photons emitted by geodesic particles

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We are motivated by the recently reported dynamical evidence of stars with short orbital periods moving around the center of the Milky Way and the corresponding hypothesis about the existence of a supermassive black hole hosted at its center. In this paper we show how the mass and rotation parameters of a Kerr black hole (assuming that the putative supermassive black hole is of this type), as well as the distance that separates the black hole from the Earth, can be estimated in a relativistic way in terms of i) the red and blue shifts of photons that are emitted by geodesic massive particles (stars and galactic gas) and travel along null geodesics towards a distant observer, and ii) the radius of these star/gas orbits. As a concrete example and as a first step towards a full relativistic analysis of the above mentioned star orbits around the center of our galaxy, we consider stable equatorial circular orbits of stars and express their corresponding red/blue shifts in terms of the metric parameters (mass and angular momentum per unit mass) and the orbital radii of both the emitter star (and/or galactic gas) and the distant observer. In principle, these expressions allow one to statistically estimate the mass and rotation parameters of the Kerr black hole, and the radius of our orbit, through a Bayesian fitting, i.e., with the aid of observational data: the red/blue shifts measured at certain points of stars orbits and their radii, with their respective errors, a task that we hope to perform in the near future. We also point to several astrophysical phenomena, like accretion discs of rotating black holes, binary systems and active galactic nuclei, among others, to which this formalism can be applied.

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