Electric-dipole-induced spin resonance in a lateral double quantum dot incorporating two single domain nanomagnets

الملخص بالإنكليزية

On-chip magnets can be used to implement relatively large local magnetic field gradients in na- noelectronic circuits. Such field gradients provide possibilities for all-electrical control of electron spin-qubits where important coupling constants depend crucially on the detailed field distribution. We present a double quantum dot (QD) hybrid device laterally defined in a GaAs / AlGaAs het- erostructure which incorporates two single domain nanomagnets. They have appreciably different coercive fields which allows us to realize four distinct configurations of the local inhomogeneous field distribution. We perform dc transport spectroscopy in the Pauli-spin blockade regime as well as electric-dipole-induced spin resonance (EDSR) measurements to explore our hybrid nanodevice. Characterizing the two nanomagnets we find excellent agreement with numerical simulations. By comparing the EDSR measurements with a second double QD incorporating just one nanomagnet we reveal an important advantage of having one magnet per QD: It facilitates strong field gradients in each QD and allows to control the electron spins individually for instance in an EDSR experi- ment. With just one single domain nanomagnet and common QD geometries EDSR can likely be performed only in one QD.

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