Time-delayed Follow-the-Leader model for pedestrians walking in line

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We use the results of a pedestrian tracking experiment to identify a follow-the-leader model for pedestrians walking-in-line. We demonstrate the existence of a time-delay between a subjects response and the predecessors corresponding behavior. This time-delay induces an instability which can be damped out by a suitable relaxation. By comparisons with the experimental data, we show that the model reproduces well the emergence of large-scale structures such as congestions waves. The resulting model can be used either for modeling pedestrian queuing behavior or can be incorporated into bi-dimensional models of pedestrian traffic. Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the french Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR) in the frame of the contract Pedigree (ANR-08-SYSC-015-01). JH acknowledges support of the ANR and the Institut de Math{e}matiques de Toulouse, where he conducted this research. AJ acknowledges support of the ANR and of the Laboratoire de physique t A c orique in Orsay where she conducted this research. PD is on leave from CNRS, Institut de Mat A c matiques de Toulouse, France.

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