Exciton-Mott Physics in Two-Dimensional Electron-Hole Systems: Phase Diagram and Single-Particle Spectra

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Exciton Mott physics in two-dimensional electron-hole (e-h) systems is studied in the quasiequilibrium, which is the crossovers or phase transitions between the insulating exciton gas and the metallic e-h plasma. By developing a self-consistent screened T-matrix approximation, we succeed in obtaining the global phase diagram on the plane of the e-h density and the temperature as a contour plot of the exciton ionization ratio. The detailed features of the exciton-Mott crossover at high temperature are figured out beyond the conventionally used concept of the Mott density. At low temperature, we find not only the region unstable toward the inhomogeneity but the pure Mott transition point characterized by the discontinuity in the ionization ratio. The single particle spectra also exhibit interesting features reflecting the excitonic correlations.

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