Study on Triggering Process of Solar Flares Based on Hinode/SOT Observations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigated four major solar flare events that occurred in active regions NOAA 10930 (December 13 and 14, 2006) and NOAA 11158 (February 13 and 15, 2011) by using data observed by the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard the Hinode satellite. To reveal the trigger mechanism of solar flares, we analyzed the spatio-temporal correlation between the detailed magnetic field structure and the emission image of the Ca H line at the central part of flaring regions for several hours prior to the onset of flares. We observed in all the flare events that the magnetic shear angle in the flaring regions exceeded 70 degrees, as well as that characteristic magnetic disturbances developed at the centers of flaring regions in the pre-flare phase. These magnetic disturbances can be classified into two groups depending on the structure of their magnetic polarity inversion lines; the so-called Opposite-Polarity and Reversed-Shear magnetic field recently proposed by our group, although the magnetic disturbance in one event of the four samples is too subtle to clearly recognize the detailed structure. The result suggests that some major solar flares are triggered by rather small magnetic disturbances. We also show that the critical size of the flare-trigger field varies among flare events and briefly discuss how the flare-trigger process depends on the evolution of active regions.

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