Obscuration effects in Super-Soft-Source X-ray spectra

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Super-Soft-Source (SSS) X-ray spectra are blackbody-like spectra with effective temperatures ~3-7x10^5 K and luminosities of 10^{35-38} erg/s. SSS grating spectra display atmospheric absorption lines. Radiation transport atmosphere models can be used to derive physical parameters, but more sophisticated models are required. We bypass the complications of spectral models and concentrate on the data in a comparative, qualitative study. We inspect all available X-ray grating SSS spectra to determine systematic, model-independent trends. We use comparative plots of spectra of different systems to find common and different features. The results are interpreted in the context of system parameters obtained from the literature. We find two distinct types of SSS spectra which we name SSa and SSe. Their main observational characteristics are either clearly visible absorption lines or emission lines, respectively, while both types contain atmospheric continuum emission. SSe may be obscured SSa systems, which is supported by similarities between SSe and SSa with obscured and unobscured AGN, respectively. Further, we find all known or suspected high-inclination systems to emit permanently in an SSe state. Some sources are found to transition between SSa and SSe states, becoming SSe when fainter. SSS spectra are subject to various occultation processes. In Cal 87, the accretion disc blocks the central hot source when viewed edge on. In novae, the accretion disc may have been destroyed during the initial explosion but could have reformed by the time of the SSS phase. In addition, clumpy ejecta may lead to temporary obscuration events. The emission lines originate from reprocessed emission in the accretion disc, its wind or further out in clumpy ejecta while Thomson scattering allows continuum emission to be visible also during total obscuration of the central hot source.

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