The Ages of 55 Globular Clusters as Determined Using an Improved delta V_TO^HB Method Along with Color-Magnitude Diagram Constraints, and Their Implications for Broader Issues

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Ages have been derived for 55 globular clusters (GCs) from overlays of isochrones onto the turnoff photometry, assuming distances based on fits of zero-age horizontal branch (ZAHB) models to the lower bound of the observed distributions of HB stars. The error bar arising just from the fitting of ZAHBs and isochrones is ~ +/- 0.25 Gyr, while that associated with distance and chemical abundance uncertainties is ~ +/- 1.5-2 Gyr. Ages vary from mean values of ~12.5 Gyr at [Fe/H] < -1.7 to ~11 Gyr at [Fe/H] > -1.0. At intermediate metallicities, the age-metallicity relation (AMR) appears to be bifurcated: one branch apparently contains clusters with disk-like kinematics, whereas the other branch is populated by clusters with halo-type orbits. There is no apparent dependence of age on Galactocentric distance (R_G) nor is there a clear correlation of HB type with age. Subtle variations in the subgiant branch (SGB) slopes of [Fe/H] < -1.5 GCs are tentatively attributed to helium abundance differences. Curiously, GCs with steep M13-like SGBs tend to be massive systems, located at small R_G, that show the strongest evidence for multiple stellar populations. The others are typically low-mass systems that, at the present time, should not be able to retain the matter lost by mass-losing stars. The apparent separation of the two groups in terms of their present-day gas retention properties is difficult to understand if all GCs were initial ~20 times their current masses. The lowest mass systems may have never been able to retain enough gas to produce a significant population of second-generation stars; in this case, the observed light element abundance variations were presumably present in the gas out of which the observed cluster stars formed.

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