Energy-density-functional calculations including the proton-neutron mixing

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present results of calculations based on the Skyrme energy density functional including the arbitrary mixing between protons and neutrons. In this framework, single-particle states are superpositions of proton and neutron components and the energy density functional is fully invariant with respect to three-dimensional rotations in the isospin space. The isospin of the system is controlled by means of the isocranking method, which carries over the standard cranking approach to the isospin space. We show numerical results of the isocranking calculations performed for isobaric analogue states in the A=14 and $A=40-56$ nuclei. We also present such results obtained for high-isospin states in $^{48}$Cr, with constraints on the isospin implemented by using the augmented Lagrange method.

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