Quaternifiations and extensions of current algebras on S^3

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $H$ be the quaternion algebra. Let $g$ be a complex Lie algebra and let $U(g)$ be the enveloping algebra of $g$. We define a Lie algebra structure on the tensor product space of $H$ and $U(g)$, and obtain the quaternification $g^H$ of $g$. Let $S^3g^H$ be the set of $g^H$-valued smooth mappings over $S^3$. The Lie algebra structure on $S^3g^H$ is induced naturally from that of $g^H$. On $S^3$ exists the space of Laurent polynomial spinors spanned by a complete orthogonal system of eigen spinors of the tangential Dirac operator on $S^3$. Tensoring $U(g)$ we have the space of $U(g)$-valued Laurent polynomial spinors, which is a Lie subalgebra of $S^3g^H$. We introduce a 2-cocycle on the space of $U(g)$-valued Laurent polynomial spinors by the aid of a tangential vector field on $S^3$. Then we have the corresponding central extension $hat g(a)$ of the Lie algebra of $U(g)$-valued Laurent polynomial spinors. Finally we have the a Lie algebra $hat g=hat g(a)+Cd$ which is obtained by adding to $hat g(a)$ a derivation $d$ which acts on $hat g(a)$ as the radial derivation. When $g$ is a simple Lie algebra with its Cartan subalgebra $h$, We shall investigate the weight space decomposition of $(hat g, ad(hat h))$, where $hat h=h+Ca+Cd$ . The previo

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