Pulse broadening analysis for several new pulsars and anomalous scattering

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We show the results of our analysis of the pulse broadening phenomenon in 25 pulsars at several frequencies using the data gathered with GMRT and Effelsberg radiotelescopes. Twenty two of these pulsars were not studied in that regard before and our work has increased the total number of pulsars with multi-frequency scattering measurements to almost 50, basically doubling the amount available so far. The majority of the pulsars we observed have high to very-high dispersion measures (DM>200) and our results confirm the suggestion of Loehmer et al.(2001, 2004) that the scatter time spectral indices for high-DM pulsars deviate from the value predicted by a single thin screen model with Kolmogorovs distribution of the density fluctuations. In this paper we discuss the possible explanations for such deviations.

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