The one-loop on-shell renormalization of some vertexes in MSSM

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The on-shell renormalization scheme for the electroweak theory is well studied in the standard model(SM), but a consistent on-shell renormalization scheme for the minimal supersymmetric standard model(MSSM) is still unknown. In MSSM, we study the on-shell scheme for three vertexes$Zbar{l^I}l^I, W^+bar{ u^I}l^I $ and $tilde{L}^*_ibar{chi^0_{alpha}}l^I$ with virtual SUSY particles (chargino, sneutrino, neutralino and slepton) at one-loop order. Instead of amplitude of a single triangle diagram, the sum of amplitude of triangle diagrams belonging to one suit can be renormalized in the on-shell scheme. One suit points out that the internal virtual particles are consistent. Zero-momentum scheme is also used for the renormalization. The two schemes can make the renormalized results decoupled. In MSSM, some special characters of the on-shell scheme are shown here. This work is propitious to complete the on-shell renormalization scheme in MSSM.

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